General Counsel Consulting only represents very highly qualified attorneys to companies across the country. Our candidates are all pre-selected according to your hiring requirements as well as our rigorous selection process. Our candidates all come from top-notch law firms and corporate legal departments around the country and possess superior academic credentials and exceptional professional experience.
The following is a list of "in-demand" candidates we are currently representing:
Mergers and Acquisitions
Current Firm: Am Law 100 Firm
Practices: Corporate
Level: Associate
Law School: NYU
Graduation: 2001
Experience: Experience in mergers and acquisitions and securities offerings, specialization in private equity
Location: East Coast
Intellectual Property
Current Firm: Fortune 100 Company
Practice: Patents
Level: Associate
Law School: University of California, Berkeley
Graduation: 1999
Experience: Experience in development of intellectual property strategy and management of patent portfolios
Location: West Coast
Current Firm: Am Law 100 Firm
Practice: Securities
Level: Associate
Law School: Harvard
Graduation: 2000
Experience: Experience in SEC 1933 & 1934 Acts, Sarbanes-Oxley, U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation
Location: Midwest
If you would like more information about any of the candidates listed above, please contact us at 800.549.9445 or send your inquiries via email to info@gcconsulting.com.
GENERAL COUNSEL CONSULTING • 1201 Peachtree Street., NE, 400 Colony Square, Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30361