- Candidates who truly deserve an in-house counsel position are not only excellent employees but also expert strategists who know how to market themselves successfully. Keep your eyes open to spot such candidates within your organization.
- Not every attorney really fits the mold to make the move for an in-house counsel position. Such candidates have the right background and the motivation to make the change. Are you going to hire candidates who are usually young and are often on the lookout for greener pastures? The answer is that you need experienced candidates with enough experience in the job that they are already handling.
These candidates have been exposed to the breadth and depth of work and often work independently without supervision. They have a tendency to work with fewer resources and are considered a part of the company rather than as overhead. Best of all, they are fully trained and are always on the go.
- Candidates who are suitable for in-house positions generally handle strategic activities and are good at the numbers game. They are especially the ones who have industry experience and insider knowledge about the underlying industry. Frankly, they understand the business thoroughly. They are fully poised for growth and are always on the look out for a suitable platform that can make their voice heard within the organization.
- Candidates who deserve an in-house posting or promotion are flexible. They are ready to go in-house rather than wanting to go in-house. Sometimes, an in-house position may not mean an increase in the salary. So are the candidates really willing to take a salary cut or a compromise, or are there signs of inflexibility while discussing the remuneration? Additionally, genuine candidates will truly show interest in the position they are being offered, and will generally seek the middle ground.
- Candidates suitable for in-house positions are generally the ones who connect and are networked. They are often in the right place at the right time and know the right people. They know how to connect and make good use of their connections. Such are the people who will generally get someone to talk about them to you – to vouch for them to you. Keep your options open for such people.
1. http://www.inhouseinsider.com/five-rules-to-landing-an-in-house-job/
2. http://www.tlnt.com/2012/08/28/5-ways-to-uncover-a-job-candidates-hidden-strengths-weaknesses/
3. http://www.refreshleadership.com/index.php/2012/05/job-candidate-fit-companys-culture/